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ingredient 280

Licorice/ Glycyrrhiza Glabra/ Glycyrrhizae Radix/ Radix Glycyrrhizae/ Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch/ Süßholz/ Glycyrrhiza/ KANZOU

取自於甘草,具有抗發炎的 glyceryl myristate glycolipid性質. 由甘草根煮沸萃取而得,主要含有甘草甜素(Glycyrrhizin),具有非常高的甜度,並廣泛使用於食材及醫學用途.

It is derived from Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. It has anti-inflammatory properties of glycyrrhizin myristate glycolic acid. It is extracted from the root of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. It mainly contains glycyrrhizin. It has very high sweetness and is widely used in food and medicine

American Journal of Respiratory and Cellular Molecular Biology, November 1998, pages 836–841 
Planta Medica, August 1996, pages 326–328

skin+ app的保養品成分標籤掃描功能,
