skin+ app info.

ingredient 324--Ginkgo/ Ginkgo Biloba/ Ginkgo biloba leaf/ Maidenhair Tree

Ginkgo/ Ginkgo Biloba/ Ginkgo biloba leaf/ Maidenhair Tree

是一種強力的抗氧化劑,可以促進血流. 具有黃酮醇配醣體、銀杏內酯、銀杏葉酯等成份,能抵抗自由基之侵襲,並具部份抗炎、鎮定作用。

It is a powerful antioxidant and can promote blood flow. It has flavonol glycogen, ginkgolide, Ginkgo biloba ester and other ingredients. It can resist the invasion of free radicals and has some anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.

Medical Hypotheses, March 2006, pages 1152-1156; 
Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, November-December 2005, pages 515-524 
Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, November-December 2005, pages 515-524 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, February 2005, pages 287-295 
Planta Medica, November 2004, pages 1052-1057

skin+ app的保養品成分標籤掃描功能,
